
How Employers Can Protect Themselves Now That Non-Competes Are No Longer Enforceable

How Employers Can Protect Themselves Now That Non-Competes Are No Longer Enforceable

As technology consultants, we understand the challenges businesses face in today’s rapidly evolving environment. With recent changes in legislation rendering non-compete agreements unenforceable, employers must find new ways to protect their intellectual property, sensitive information, and overall business interests. Leveraging advanced technology solutions is the key to achieving this goal. Here’s how the technology we offer can help employers safeguard their businesses effectively.

Pain Points for Employers

  1. Salespeople Giving Out Personal Numbers: Do you own the number your customers call?
  2. Loss of Sensitive Information: Without non-competes, there’s a higher risk of former employees sharing proprietary information with competitors.
  3. Reduced Control Over Company Assets: Ensuring that physical and digital assets are secure is now more critical than ever.
  4. Cybersecurity Threats: Increased mobility and accessibility can expose businesses to a variety of cyber threats.
  5. Monitoring and Management: Employers need efficient ways to monitor employee activities and ensure compliance with company policies.

Technology Solutions to Address These Pain Points

1. VoIP Phones

VoIP phone systems give everyone flexibility to have a single number, that can be reached across devices. The same number that would get an employee at their desk, can now reach them in the field. Extensions or direct dials can replace a call tree for people as needed.

It should be company policy that only company-owned numbers can be given out. This can then be audited against CRM reports and Call Logs to check for compliance.

Modern phone VoIP Phone Systems like RingCentral, Dialpad, and more have AI features that can help reinforce this. Call logs, transcripts, summaries, and next steps can all be automatically generated and sent to CRM systems. AI can help coach things like filler words, talk speed, and overall attitude detected.

If an employee leaves, this number or extension can easily be redirected.

2. Company Cell Phones and MDM

Just like with VoIP Phone systems, having company cell phones helps reduce the chances of non-company phone numbers being given to customers. We partner with T-Mobile, Verizon, and AT&T to shop for the best deals for customers. Mobile Device Management (MDM) software can also be deployed. MDM is a security and management tool that allows IT administrators to remotely monitor, manage, and secure mobile devices. MDM can be used on corporate-owned and personal devices that run on different operating systems, such as Android, iOS, Windows, and macOS.

To help in this arena we also offer Mobility Management Services that can lower your monthly spend at no cost to you. Our platforms can bring in existing contracts from multiple carriers into a single screen. We can convert existing contracts into wholesale agreements that can save 25-40%. These services can do one-click kitting and device ordering as well. Devices would arrive complete with protection and apps preinstalled.

3. Cloud Computing

Cloud computing offers secure storage and access to company data from anywhere in the world. By using encrypted cloud services, employers can ensure that their data remains safe and accessible only to authorized personnel. This also facilitates secure collaboration and data sharing within the organization.

We recommend operating off a zero trust default. Only grant users access to the files they need, don’t just share an entire cloud file system. Cloud computing also allows remote deactivation of file access. If an employee is leaving, you can be proactive about controlling access to sensitive information.

4. EDR (replaces what was known as antivirus and antimalware programs)

EDR stands for Endpoint Detection and Response.

In today’s threat landscape, where cyber attacks are increasingly sophisticated and persistent, traditional security measures like antivirus software are no longer sufficient. EDR solutions provide the advanced capabilities needed to detect and respond to modern threats. They play a crucial role in protecting sensitive data, maintaining business continuity, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

By implementing EDR, organizations can significantly enhance their ability to defend against cyber threats, reduce the risk of data breaches, and safeguard their digital assets. EDR solutions are a vital component of a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy, providing the visibility and response capabilities necessary to stay ahead of evolving threats.

How can it help protect you?

Continuous Monitoring:

    • EDR systems continuously monitor endpoint activities to detect suspicious behaviors and potential security incidents. Including someone downloading customer lists from the cloud to a device.
    • This constant surveillance helps in identifying threats as they occur, allowing for immediate action.

Data Collection and Analysis:

    • EDR tools collect extensive data on endpoint activities, including logs, network connections, and system changes. This data is crucial for auditing and ensuring compliance with data governance policies.
    • Detailed analysis of this data helps in understanding how data is accessed and used, allowing for better governance and policy enforcement.

Policy Enforcement:

    • EDR can enforce data governance policies by automatically applying rules and controls to endpoint devices. For example, it can block unauthorized applications or restrict access to sensitive data based on predefined policies.
    • Ensures that only authorized users and applications can access specific data, maintaining data integrity and security.

Incident Response and Forensics:

    • In the event of a security incident, EDR provides tools for thorough investigation and forensics. This helps in understanding the nature of the attack, the extent of data exposure, and the necessary steps to prevent future incidents.
    • Incident response capabilities ensure that any breaches are contained quickly, minimizing data loss and impact on the organization.

Compliance and Reporting:

    • EDR solutions often include compliance reporting features that help organizations meet regulatory requirements. These reports can demonstrate adherence to data governance policies and regulatory standards.
    • Regular reporting and audit trails provided by EDR tools support ongoing compliance and accountability.

5. Security Cameras and Access Control

Security cameras and access control systems are vital for protecting physical premises. High-definition cameras with remote monitoring capabilities allow employers to keep an eye on their facilities from anywhere. Access control systems ensure that only authorized individuals can enter sensitive areas.

Modern Access Control systems can be remotely updated in seconds. You can easily revoke or grant access to sensitive areas with the click of a button, without the need to dispatch a technician to reprogram your system. It also provides an auditable trail of access to locations and sensitive areas. This can be combined with security cameras for a visual verification that someone isn’t giving out a keypad number or using someone else’s keycard. Our favorite is to tie the access control to the user’s cell phone NFC wallet. People generally naturally are protective of their cell phones.


With non-compete agreements no longer enforceable, businesses must adopt advanced technology solutions to protect their interests. From cybersecurity to physical security and efficient communication systems, the right technology can help mitigate risks and ensure that your business remains secure. As a technology consultant, We are here to help you implement these solutions and protect your business in this new landscape.

By addressing these pain points with tailored technology solutions, employers can maintain a secure and efficient operation, even in the absence of non-compete agreements.

Reach out to us at Sales@JustinHallConsulting.com or Contact Us for more information on how we can help you!