
ESI CommServer End Of Life / End of Sales June 30th 2023

ESI CommServer End Of Life / End of Sales June 30th 2023

We received word from ESI earlier this week that they will end hardware sales for CommServer Phone Systems on June 30th 2023.

This is your last chance to buy new from the factory. After that date they will no longer be selling any hardware. They will have warranty stock only.

Please reach out now if you would like to purchase any parts for your stock. There is a 1 year warranty on these purchases.

Want to modernize and future proof your phone system?

We are an Independent Telecom Agent that works with over 200 different phone, carrier, cell, cloud, and cybersecurity vendors. This allows us to shop and find the best solutions for your induvial situation.

Reach out to us at Justin@JustinHallConsulting.com for free quotes on spare parts and VoIP Phone Systems!